Running Unserver as a Windows Service

Unserver on release -

Unserver as a Service

Previously, the only way to use Unserver automatically was to configure the operating system to autostart the executable.

In 1.4.0 we are adding the ability to install Unserver as a Windows Service. The Unserver Service will run in the background and will be restarted automatically if an error occurs.

The service uses the same configuration files as the console app.

We are working on the documentation for this feature, but basic usage is really simple, as you can see below.

How to Install the Service

  1. Open cmd as Administrator
  2. Navigate to the working directory of Unserver
  3. Run unserver.exe install

The service should now be installed and automatically started.

To verify this, open services.msc and search for "Unsrever" in the list of services.

More Commands

To stop the service, use unserver.exe stop.

To uninstall - unserver.exe uninstall.

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