Unserver 1.1.0 Release

Unserver on release -

Web App HMI Demo

We have developed a simple browser-based HMI app to demonstrate how you can implement HMI applications with Unserver.

screenshot of the demo HMI app running in the browser, displaying the current tag values and plots over time

The app allows to watch Unserver tags and make a basic plot of specific properties over time.

To open the app, run Unserver and navigate to http://localhost:9000 in your web browser.

In future posts we will cover:

  • how to configure and use the app
  • how the app works internally

Serving Static Content

The demo app makes use of another new feature - the content directory.

Every file in that directory will served by Unserver HTTP endpoint.

Requests to / will be redirected to /content/index.html.

This feature allows to package and serve custom client-side HMI code with Unserver.

Set Property API

Normally to set a value of a property you would need to set the whole tag. But sometimes it's useful to set properties one by one. Today we are adding this feature.

To address a single property use the following URL template:


For instance:

PUT /tags/tag1/properties/p1 HTTP/1.1


    value: 1

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